Currently reading this book

Thinking it's a tough one to get through, I know others loved it but any book that has so many names to remember is daunting to me. I'm only half way through so maybe things will change.

Start of the year I started a book challenge and gave myself 30 books to read, I'm currently at 17 and I will say that the best of the bunch by FAR is this gem of a book. It's equal parts heart breaking and funny. Makes you wonder if you are in love can you MAKE yourself fall out of love if it's the best thing for you? Even after reading this I'm not sure. This led to a lot of great discussions and I find Dessa funny and sweet and tough.  It introduced me to her music as well and now that's all I listen to on long rides or at the gym. I simply love her. One of my favorite songs is a about women and how badass and strong they are, take a listen if you'd like here 

A little story- When I was 5 or 6 years old my Mom would walk me down to the library in The Bronx, we had no car, so we walked all the way there, not too close to us, I didn't know she had made an arrangement with the librarian that I was only allowed 5 books, so here I was this little kid bringing 15 books up to the counter only to be told the rule was only 5. Didn't find out about that until I was 20. I guess being a single mom with no car you do what you have to do to make your life easier and walking miles home with a kid and her 15 books wasn't making it easier. When I was about 18 or so I walked into the library and said to the librarian, WELL HERE'S MY 5, WISH I COULD GET MORE! She looked at me like I was crazy and said 'You can get more! I said 'wow, this is the greatest library!' then my Mom told me about the arrangement. You should never lie to your kids, hah, I do it every day.

So what are you reading lately? I'd love to hear.....


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